Jewellery By Design

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Lampwork beads

What's Lampworking?
What is "lampworking"?Glass beads are often formed by a process known as lampworking, or flameworking. Rods of colored glass are heated in the flame of a torch and are wrapped around a metal mandrel. Multiple colors may be added to achieve different visual effects, and the molten glass may also be manipulated by the artist with graphite and tungsten tools.

After the artist is satisfied with the bead's final form, it is annealed in a kiln to prevent shattering. Additional kiln firings may be needed in order to fuse additional elements or paints, or the glass may be chemically treated in other ways.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Christmas Jewellery

Jewellery Ornaments For Christmas

Christmas is upon us again, or at least the department stores are gearing up and so will we.
Have you any favourites or hints and tips for the up comming season, ornaments, adournments and just fun stuff that others can share, drop in a comment and share your ideas


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