Jewellery By Design

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Selling Your Jewellery Part 2

Part 2 Selling Your Jewellery
What do you need to sell at a craft fair?Craft fairs aren’t the right venue for everyone. If you are going to work the craft fair circuit you need the following skills:
  • Do you enjoy contact with the public? If you would prefer to work in the studio, rather than have contact with people, you might not enjoy craft festivals. In fairs and festivals, you’ll have a steady stream of people that you must make small talk with – if the idea makes you nauseous, this might not be the best choice
  • Are you willing to work weekends and evenings? There’s no getting around it – most fairs and festivals are scheduled Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays, It can be hard to do if you are responsible for another job or have a family dependent on you.
How do you find craft, art fairs and festivals?You are probably familiar with some of the local craft fairs. But there are many small fairs that you may be unfamiliar with, or large fairs in other cities, states or regions.
There are several fair guides available for purchase and a variety of websites that list the up and coming arts and craft festivals.
Some magazines include: Markets and Fairs

Check with your local Chamber of Commerce; many small fairsare planned in conjunction with the chambers of commerce.Craft Fair ListingsThe average craft fair ad gives a great deal of information about the festival and what you can expect from it. Most ads contain:
  • The name of the festival
  • The contact name and number
  • The date of the festival
  • The cost to participate

Most of the information is fairly self-explanatoryJust remember, get there early. Don't set up till you're shown where, and remember the organizers are usually busy getting things set up


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